Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Abuela's Picadillo

So I finally got around to uploading a bunch of pictures from my desktop to my IPOD, and I saw these pictures, and just had to make a post. These pictures are from about 3 years ago I guess... One day I decided that I hadn't learned how to make very many Cuban dishes, so I asked my beautiful, Cuban Abuelita to teach me some dishes. This day we made Picadillo, which is a Cuban Stew. It's kind of like a Spaghetti sauce, and you eat it over rice. Well, I am so grateful that we had that time together and now, I know how to make it! My Grandma died one year ago.. It was so sudden and quick, and I miss her so dearly. But I am grateful for all of the things that she did for me. I am grateful for eternal families, and I know that I will see her again one day.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

That looks really good. You'll have to send me the recipe. It's great that you were able to spend that one on one time with her. She looks like a really sweet lady.